Registrations have closed but you can still attend the networking reception!

CodePSU 2021 is being held on Sunday, March 14th, 2021 from 10 AM Eastern Time!

Penn State's Largest Competitive Programming Competition

Raffle and Prizes up to $420!

What is CodePSU?

CodePSU is the largest competitive programming competition at Penn State. Based on the ACM’s International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) standards, CodePSU welcomes 300+ Penn Staters of all majors and skill levels interested in programming. Competitors form teams of 3 and spend four hours working to solve 7 programming and algorithm problems. Prizes are awarded to the top three teams in each of the beginner, intermediate, and advanced competition categories. CodePSU provides participants a glimpse into the computer science world and offers an opportunity to attract the attention of sponsors and future employers present at the event.

Come join us for challenging problems and awesome prizes!

The competition will be held via a discord server with the networking reception on Brazen.

Discord Link:

Brazen Link:

When is CodePSU?

CodePSU 2021 is being held on Sunday, March 14th, 2021 from 10 AM Eastern Time!



10:00am – 12:00pm
10:00am – 12:00pm
12:00pm – 1:00pm
1:00pm – 5:00pm
5:00pm – 5:30pm
5:30pm – 6:30pm


Networking Reception
Introduction and Sponsor Speeches
Award Ceremony

Competition Rules and Regulations

  • Teams are created based on skill level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
  • Beginner: Students who haven’t taken CMPSC 122/132 (incl. students who haven’t taken CS courses)
  • Intermediate: Students who are enrolled in or have completed CMPSC 122/132 but have not taken CMPSC 465
  • Advanced: Students who are enrolled in or have completed CMPSC 465
  • Teams may consist of 1-3 people of any skill level.
  • A team’s skill level will be determined by the highest skill level of a member in the team.
  • You may choose to compete up but may not compete down a tier.
  • Graduate students will compete individually in the separate category from undergraduates but will have the same questions as  the Advanced tier.
  • Each team member is allowed to use their own computer.
  • Teams are allowed to access and use all publicly available resources (e.g. Textbooks, Internet, etc.).
  • Teams are not allowed to collaborate with other teams or anyone outside of their team.
  • Competition coding problems, solutions, or any related information should not be posted/distributed anywhere.
  • Teams violating rules will be removed from the competition and made ineligible for prizes.

Brought to You By

CodePSU Partner

CodePSU Sponsors

Talk to Us!

General Questions

Interested in Sponsoring CodePSU?