Sponsor Us

Without corporate support, many Penn State ACM activities would not be possible. Donations pay for everything to keep the club up and running, such as server costs and food at meetings. Some of our bigger events, such as CodePSU require much more money for prizes and food. Check out our corporate packet for more information on how your company can support our chapter, and how we can help your company in return. Feel free to reach out to our current corporate relations officer at corporate@acm.psu.edu or president at president@acm.psu.edu.



If your company is interested in recruiting talented members of the ACM, contact our president at president@acm.psu.edu. We host technical talks at our weekly meetings, send company announcements via our mailing list, and will assist companies in reaching our members in other ways. We also maintain a resume book that is updated on a semester basis, available upon request.

Here are some of the organizations that have shown us support:

Current Sponsors

Previous Sponsors