Our Mission
Our mission is to teach the core competencies of software development and introduce current relevant technological topics for valuable learning experiences and interactions outside of the classroom in preparation for a career in the industry or research. Put simply, we want to have some fun learning about cool topics, while building software together!

DEV PSU Learning
DEV PSU Learning is a semester long learning program intended to teach core competencies of collaborative software development in a peer-driven environment. Students get the opportunity to gain valuable experience and interactions outside of the classroom.
What do we do at DEV PSU Learning?
Join DEV PSU Learning to learn about building a professional website. We host weekly meetings to teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and website hosting. Our goal is for you to get a better understanding about building your own personal website. There will be guided projects we will walk you through and a final website that you can build along the way. This final website can bolster your resume and be a great talking point in future interviews. The workshops are recommended for Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Data Science students but everyone who is interested is welcome to attend! On top of our regular curriculum, we will be inviting guest speakers where you can get an opportunity to make new connections in the field.
Join Us!
We are a computer science and engineering club, but we have everyone from IST, to EE, and math majors. Everyone is welcome no matter their level of experience with computers or technology. We host all sorts of activities from social events to traveling to programming competitions.
To the right, you can sign up for our mailing list, which will included weekly meeting reminders as well as notifications for other events. Please note that there may be some delay in adding you to the list.
Generally, we have ML PSU meetings every Wednesday and DEV PSU meetings every Tuesday. Check out our Discord for more information.